About Us


Our app is for entertainment purposes only and does not support real money gambling. We are not a gambling site, do not offer in-game purchases, and encourage those over the age of 18 to use the app responsibly. Enjoy the game without risk, play responsibly! Terms of Use.

About Us

We invite you to explore the world of Paula Sanders and share this amazing journey of social gaming with us.

Paula Sanders is a leading developer of social games, with a focus on ensuring that each of our games is a platform for interaction and communication. We believe that virtual worlds can be places where people can find community, share ideas and create unique memories.

We are proud to note that our social games do not advocate playing for money. Our goal is to create a space where participating in the game brings true fulfillment and joy, not the pursuit of winning cash. We support a responsible approach to entertainment and believe that the true enjoyment of play should be available to everyone, regardless of financial status.

Paula Sanders strives to be the bridge that connects people through our unique and innovative social games. We believe that within each game lies a force field of community building, support and fun. Join us on this exciting journey where every click is a step towards a new adventure and new friends.